Ron Mellott Bloomington IN Ron Mellott pic

2024, Photography

Ron Mellott

Bloomington, IN

Artist Website:

Artist Statement:

Photography is less about the technology of cameras, lenses, film type or megapixel than how we see – then use our ‘tools’ to capture our vision. Selecting what to include in composing, understanding weather and lighting on colors and shadows.  As the naturalist Joseph Wood Krutch said:  “The rare moment is not the moment there is something worth looking at, but the moment we are capable of seeing it.”
Landscape images taken with medium and large format film cameras, macrophotography now mostly with digital capture and image stacking (e.g., multiple exposures).  I scan my film, print in-studio on a 44” 12-color HP printer, mount and frame, print and stretch canvases – all done by me in-studio.  Editions are 150 and 250, all sizes and presentations inclusive.